Community Resource Unit Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of a new Booklet Series and supporting webpage called Why It Matters. These booklets have been developed as part of the Anne Cross Leadership Initiative, a partnership between Uniting Care Queensland (UCQ) and CRU, created to honour the contribution of Anne to UCQ during her years as the Chief Executive Officer. The initiative aims to contribute to strong, principled leadership amongst people with disability and families across Queensland to work towards better lives for people with disability. The range of resources to accompany the Why It Matters Booklet series cover topics around Advocacy, Employment and Succession Planning. This new resource has been created as a resource for people with disability and their supporters, both paid and unpaid.
Keep up to date
As we add more resources we will be providing updates on the website itself, our Facebook Page and through our Mailing List.
Accessibility and thanks
We take the accessibility of our websites very seriously. We have engaged a private contractor with extensive personal and professional experience in using screen readers and we have gone to great lengths to incorporate their feedback. That said, please email us if you have any issues with the use of this website.
We welcome your feedback and thoughts on this new website. We expect this website to continue to grow and evolve so please let us know if there are any resources you would like to suggest.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this website, it has been an ambitious project and we are pleased with the results. Our hope is that you will find it a relevant and helpful resource.
If you find this website useful we invite you to share this website with other people you feel might find it of interest.